What are COIs and When Do Contractors Need One?

What are COIs and When Do Contractors Need One?

In the world of contracting, insurance is a critical component that helps protect both contractors and their clients from various risks and liabilities. Certificates of Insurance (COIs) play a pivotal role in this process. In this blog post, we will delve into what certificates of insurance are, why contractors need them, and when they are essential.

What Are Certificates of Insurance?

Certificates of Insurance (COIs), sometimes referred to as proof of insurance or insurance certificates, are documents issued to verify insurance coverage. The COI identifies the policy number, coverage type, limits, policy periods, and named insured. Please note a COI is not the actual policy as is for informational purposes only.

Why Do Contractors Need Certificates of Insurance?

Contractors need certificates of insurance for several important reasons:

When Do Contractors Need Certificates of Insurance?

Contractors should be prepared to provide certificates of insurance in various situations, including:

Certificates of Insurance are vital documents that serve both contractors and their clients by providing proof of adequate insurance coverage. They help contractors secure contracts, mitigate risks, and comply with legal obligations. In the construction industry, where accidents and unforeseen events are not uncommon, having the right insurance coverage and the associated COIs can make all the difference in protecting the interests of all parties involved in a construction project.