If you formed your LLC in New Jersey and need to provide proof of your LLC’s good standing, then you’ll need to obtain a “Certificate of Good Standing” from the New Jersey Secretary of State.
The cost of a Certificate of Good Standing from the New Jersey Secretary of State is $50.00 for a digital copy or $10 for a mailed physical copy. Processing takes up to 3-5 business days.
Providing proof of good standing for an LLC may be required when:
Read this page to learn how to obtain proof of Good Standing for a New Jersey LLC.
A Certificate of Good Standing is an official document issued by the Secretary of State that confirms your LLC complies with New Jersey laws. It shows that you have a valid and active LLC and all fees to the state have been paid.
To get a Certificate of Good Standing for your New Jersey LLC, you will need to:
Step 1. Navigate to the New Jersey Secretary of State Business Records Service to verify that your LLC is active.
Step 2. Navigate to the New Jersey Secretary of State Certificates Page.
Step 3. Submit your completed form along with payment to the New Jersey Secretary of State.
Step 4. You will receive your Certificate of Good Standing within 3-5 business days or can request expedited service for faster processing.
It is important to note that the Certificate of Good Standing will not be issued if your LLC’s fees or taxes are delinquent or if there is an unresolved issue with the company, such as a pending lawsuit or other legal action. If this is the case, you must resolve these issues before submitting your application.
An LLC will fail to be in good standing with the Secretary of State if:
1. Failure to file annual reports or pay the required franchise taxes.
2. Failure to maintain a registered agent in New Jersey.
3. Inactivity for more than one year, such as not conducting any business or filing any documents with the state.
4. Having unpaid debts.
5. Failing to comply with other applicable
If your LLC has lost its status of good standing in New Jersey, you can restore it by filing a reinstatement application and paying the required fees. The process must be completed before you can obtain a Certificate of Good Standing. To begin the restoration process:
1. Complete the appropriate forms for reinstatement.
2. Pay the applicable fees for reinstatement.
3. File the completed forms and payment with the New Jersey Secretary of State.
4. Await approval from the Secretary of State before requesting a Certificate of Good Standing.