Quiver or velocity plot
quiver(U,V) quiver(X,Y,U,V) quiver(. scale) quiver(.LineSpec
) quiver(.LineSpec
'filled') h = quiver(. )
A quiver plot displays vectors with components (u,v) at the points (x,y).
quiver(U,V) draws vectors specified by U and V at the coordinates defined by x = 1:n and y = 1:m , where [m,n] = size(U) = size(V) . This syntax plots U and V over a geometrically rectangular grid. quiver automatically scales the vectors based on the distance between them to prevent them from overlapping.
quiver(X,Y,U,V) draws vectors at each pair of elements in X and Y . If X and Y are vectors, length(X) = n and length(Y) = m , where [m,n] = size(U) = size(V) . The vector X corresponds to the columns of U and V , and vector Y corresponds to the rows of U and V .
quiver(. scale) automatically scales the vectors to prevent them from overlapping, then multiplies them by scale . scale = 2 doubles their relative length and scale = 0.5 halves them. Use scale = 0 to plot the velocity vectors without the automatic scaling.
quiver(. LineSpec ) specifies line style, marker symbol, and color u sing any valid LineSpec . quiver draws the markers at the origin of the vectors.
quiver(. LineSpec , 'filled') fills markers specified by LineSpec .
h = quiver(. ) returns a vector of Line handles.
If X and Y are vectors, this function behaves as
[X,Y] = meshgrid
(x,y) quiver(X,Y,U,V)
Plot the gradient field of the function:
*exp(-X.^2 - Y.^2);
[DX,DY] = gradient
(Z,.2,.2); contour
(X,Y,Z) hold
on quiver(X,Y,DX,DY) colormap hsv grid
off hold off